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A State of Nerdvana


Join us on our tabletop adventure through unknown lands as the players seek to right old wrongs while dealing with their pasts.  Discover this unique story along with the characters!

When we take a break from our story, we discuss fandom and games, old and new.  Come join us for the conversation.

Visit us on Facebook and Twitter, and rate us on iTunes.  Being a geek may be chic, but we were there before it was cool.  Share your thoughts with us!


Jul 16, 2019

Episode 16 - Daniel Frazier Talks His New Novel

Talking to Daniel Frazier who is co-authoring a new novel with his wife, Jennifer.  We discuss his Kickstarter and the myriad of other projects he's been involved in.

Jul 16, 2019

S1-E5- Requiem

The epic conclusion to Dand and Cormac's journey.  Ancient evil is confronted.  How will it end?